In this section will be possible to find all the articles and references about ESCP regulation and application in the EU Member States.

FRANCE Du respect de la contradiction dans la procédure européenne de règlement des petits litiges, written by Guillaime Payne, 2019

FRANCEProcédure européenne de règlement des petits litiges : précisions de la CJUE sur la notion de « parties », written by Guillaime Payne, 2018

FRANCEOn vous doit de l’argent en Europe…Deux procédures judiciaires simplifiées à portée de main !, written by ECC-Net (Centre Européen des Consommateurs France), 2017

FRANCEL’influence du droit de l’Union Européenne sur les règlements des petits litiges transfrontaliers en France, written by Marina Lindner, Written presentation for a Seminar / Course, 2015

GERMANYEuropäisches Verfahren für geringfügige Forderungen nach der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 861/2007 §§ 1067-1120  (European Small Claims Procedure under Regulation EC No 861/2007 §§ 1067 – 1120 and Case Law about article 1097 ZPO), Implementation Law 10/01/2015 

GERMANYEinklagen von Fluggastrechten mit dem Europäischen Verfahren für geringfügige Forderungen  (Air passenger rights actions with the European Small Claims Procedure) written by Hans-Peter Mayer and Julia Lindemann, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift: NJW, ISSN 0341-1915, Vol. 65, Nº. 32, 2012

GERMANYDurchsetzung von Forderungen innerhalb der EU (Enforcing claims within the EU), article on website Deubner Recht & Praxis, 31/01/2008

GERMANYDas Europäische Verfahren für geringfügige Forderungen (The European Small Claims Procedure) written by Isabel Jahn, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift: NJW, ISSN 0341-1915, Vol. 60, Nº. 40, 2007

PORTUGALGuia processual das Ações de Pequeno Montante , written by Paula Gomez for Ponto de Contacto Português da RJE Civil, 2020

POLANDEuropean Small Claims Procedure and Its Place in the System of Polish Separate Proceedings, written by Joanna May & Malgorzata Malczyk, 2019  –

POLANDEuropejskie postępowanie nakazowe i w sprawie drobnych roszczeń ( it’s a publication providing a compendium of theoretical and practical knowledge on the functioning of the European EAPO and the European Small Claims Procedure, together with practical observations on the drafting of pleadings and court letters in the context of these procedures, taking into account the most recent case law and extensive foreign literature), written by Agata Harast-Sidowaska,  CH BECK Editor, 2015

POLANDEuropejskie postępowanie w sprawie drobnych roszczeń jako przykład dążenia do elektronizacji procedur transgranicznych (the article discusses the issues associated with the proposed amendments to Regulation No 861/2007 concerning a European procedure for small claims. The article also concerns the amendments which should be introduced into Polish legal system especially in Code of civil proceedings. E-delivery in cross – border civil proceedings should be disseminated among all of Member States of EU in order to shorten the duration of the procedure and minimize costs), written by Lucyna Łuczak-Noworolnik,  e-mentor, 2014, nr 5 (57), s. 75–84

POLANDKontynuowanie postępowania w sprawie europejskiego nakazu zapłaty zgodnie z zasadami europejskiego postępowania w sprawie drobnych roszczeń w przypadku wniesienia sprzeciwu przez pozwanego (Continuation of the European order for payment procedure in accordance with the rules of the European Small Claims Procedure in the event of opposition by the defendant), on about e-CODEX PLUS is co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme 

SPAIN – Algunas reflexiones acerca del proceso Europeo de Escasa Cuentìa (Some reflections about European Small Claims Procedure), written by Nancy Vernengo Pellejero for Revista Chilena de Derecho y Ciencia Politica, Vol. II n.2, 2011

SPAIN – Novidades en el Proceso Europeo de Escasa Cuentìa (Novelties in the European Small Claims Procedure), written by Begoña Vidal Fernández for Aproximacìon legislativa versus reconocimiento mutuo en el desarollo del espacio judicial europeo, una perspectiva mutltidisciplinar, Editorial Bosch, 2016, pp. 33-82

SPAIN – Proceso Europeo de Escasa Cuentìa y Monitorio Europeo (European Small Claims Procedure and European Order for Payment), on VLex – Spanish, 2016.

UKRAINE – Access to justice as illustrated by the institute of Small Claims: an assessment of the procedural law reform in Ukraine , writtend by  Nazar Panych, 2018  –