Posted on Mar 7, PM in News

As a result of the coronavirus outbreak, hundreds of flights to and from Italy have been cancelled. Passengers will of course obtain the reimbursement of the ticket, but they may also be entitled to compensation, which according to EU regulation 261 of 2004 ranges from 250 to 600 euros depending on the length of the route. Compensation is automatic if the company gives less than 14 days’ notice; nevertheless, passengers may still try to demonstrate the damages they received by filing an online lawsuit at very reduced costs: the tool is the European small claims procedure. consumi/trasporti/2020/03/04/news/voli_semivuoti_ryanair_li_cancella_si_puo_chiedere_il_risarcimento_-250249772/?ref=RHPF-VE-I0-C6-P1-S2.2-T1